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Company Timeline
2004 Cooperation
2006 AZ-Armaturen
2007 Cooperations
2008 Vybatech Ltd
2010 MVM Paks
2013 PRI-SE
2018 Gaskets
2019 1mill. € Turnover
2020 3mill. € Turnover
2023 AVATECH-line Ltd.

AZ-Armaturen GmbH cooperation

AZ-Armaturen Ltd company founded

AVA Alms GmbH cooperation and Cooperation agreement BC Ltd

Vybatech Ltd company founded

MVM Paks nuclear power certification

PRI-SE project Paks

Beginning Gaskets produces

1mill. € Turnover Vybatech Ltd

3mill. € Turnover AVA Armaturen Ltd

Fusion of AVA Armaturen kft & Vybatech kft and founded AVATECH-line Ltd



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